

Instead of selling items you no longer need, donate them to the Charitable.org community. With a simple picture or description, your item will be assigned a value and offered to those in need. Once we find somebody who needs your item, we will notify you and you can confirm your donation via a simple click. We arrange pick-up and provide documentaiton for the donation.



For those in need of help from the community, simply fill out a profile telling us who you are and what type of help you need. In addition to viewing the list of items aleady offered on the Giftable.org system, you can also request additional items from our community of Givers. Once we find a match for the item you request, just wait for us to deliver your item. That's it. Unless of course you want to send a message of thanks to the Giver



Giftable.org was formed with the idea that people like to help people. In a world where online marketplaces help people sell unwnated goods online, we provide another option by matching Givers and Receivers and documenting the donation. Giftable.org is a 501(c)(3) orgazination that exists just to match donated items to those in needed. We handle the mathcing, delivery logistics, and documentaiton. You just feel good about helping or being helped by others.

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